Black bitch, D.O.B 07.14.2014
(Team Timberline Karoo Dessert & Braveur Elia Star II)
EIC CNM PRA Normal/ Clear through parental check
Sully Sur Loire , Judge Jean Louis Martin : WT 102 points
Handler Estelle Villier "Connivence Elevage"
Field trial de Guercheville (77) TB and 2 exc RCACT
Field trial de Viglain (45) 1 er CACT and 3 exc
Field trial de Lailly ( 89) 1 er CACT and 1 er CACT
Coupe de France à Viglain 1 er CACT and French cup winner
IWT 2016 Coupe d'Eruope de Working Test des retrievers
French Team 1 finished in 14th place out of 37
13th individual place on a total of 112 dogs handled
WT retrievers final
Open class : 11th out of 26 competitors
Score: 164 pts / 200 and average 16.4 / 20)
CACT à l’Anglaise St Pierre des Ifs 21 and 22 january 2017