Full dentition
D.O.B 10.16.2011
(Shadowbrook's Bet On it & Ch.Azur Blue de la Tour Farmina)
Hips A/A Elbows 0/0 - BVA 2/3
Eyes OK DNA Card
PRA OSD Normal/Clear

Reportage Photos Arioko.com http://www.arioko.com Photos : Labat

Photos Catherine Walder

Georges is avalaible for bitches duly tested and compatible.
The stud fee is 1100 €
You can come to the kennel or we can send to you the chilled semen via DHL:
You have to pay a studfee. If the bitch stays empty, or only has 1 or 2 puppies, you could use the stud dog for free again (except additionnal costs).
Additionnal costs :
We ship semen with the Minitube (which keeps the semen good for max. 5 days), a second mini-tube can be add for an insemination 48h after the first one.
The total costs (kit/vet/shipping) will be approximately 400€ and 430€ with two tubes.
Shipping conditions :
We ship semen with DHL ( only the week).
We highly recommend bitch owners to do a bacterial infection test .
We highly recommend bitch owners to take progesteron tests with blood not the colour sample.